Connecting the two sides of the brain is a fiber bridge known as the corpus callosum. When children do cross-lateral movements (arm and leg movements that cross over from one side of the body to the other) the two sides of the brain are forced to communicate and this strengthens the nerve-cell pathways that link both sides of the brain through the corpus callosum.
Crossing the midline is necessary for reading and writing because in order to read and write one must work from one side of the paper to the other fluidly.
To encourage cross-lateral movement:
- Sing songs and repeat chants using hand motions that cross the midline of the body such as “Pat-a-Cake” and “Hot Cross Buns.”
- Dance using streamer ribbons or scarves. Play a music CD and ask children follow along as you swish the ribbon or scarf across the front of your body, make figure eights in the air, circle the streamer in front of your body like a Ferris wheel or circle it over your head like a helicopter blade.
- Play games like Simon Says or Follow the Leader where actions require crossing the midline, such as touching your right knee with your left hand.
In my next post, we’ll look at more playful ways to encourage brain development. Stay tuned!
Thanks for this article. Is it okay to post this on my classroom door to give parents some movement ideas?
I work with all ages of kids in drop in care. My biggest challenge is to get school age kids (especially ages 10-14) to move. They consider themselves too cool for most games. What activities can I try to get them moving, as nowadays their thumbs get more exercise on their Playstations, than their bodies do?
Hi Gidget,
Please do post the article and share it in any way you can. The more we know about the brain and its connection to movement, the better teachers and parents we will be.
I like to pull out the parachute! Make it mandatory that they join in the fun for at least 5 minutes. Once they're involved in games such as "Jaws" or "Cat and Mouse" they won't be looking at the clock. We really need to encourage more socialization and cooperative games with that our school age kids.
Sharin' with Sharron
Thank you very much, Sharron, for this helpful information. It has given me some very practical ideas for dealing with situations related to mindline brain development.
great post. here are some good spelling games for kids
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